"The World Might be Improved with Less television and more vision."
- McKenzie.
WILLIAM CAREY (1761-1834)
Although Protestant missionary activity began one hundred years before William Carey, he is called the "father of modern missions." Prior missionary movements had been concerned with home country or colonial territories; Carey's vision was to take the gospel to the entire world. Born near Northampton (England), he apprenticed to a shoemaker at age fourteen. Converted at eighteen, Carey directed his vigorous intellect to mastering Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, and Dutch. He was ordained by the Particular Baptists in 1787 and began to urge that worldwide missions be undertaken. In 1792 Carey preached a sermon based on Isaiah 45:2-3, coining the now familiar aphorism: "Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God." That message took hold, aided by Carey's eloquent missionary appeal, An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathen (1792). The same year, the Particular Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel Among the Heathen (later called the Baptist Missionary Society) was formed. Members paid dues to support the society. Carey sailed to India the following year as part of the society's first overseas contingent.
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I'd like to quote Tom Jefferson:
"Fix reason firmly in her seat, call to her Tribunal every fact, every opinion, question with boldness
even the existence of a God, for
if there be One, he would more
approve the Homage of Reason, than
that of blind-folded Fear. Your own
reason is the only Oracle given you
by heaven, and you are responsible".
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